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Croatian women urge a gender perspective at the international conference on Iraq

To Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt Dear Mr Reinfeldt! Dominoes, as a part of global women's movement and supporting Kvinna till Kvinna initiative welcomes Your and Sweden's initiative to host an international conference about Iraq, with the purpose of discussing the non-military support of the International Community to Iraq. The conference will give an opportunity to Sweden and the International Community to consider new possibilities on how peace and security can be built in Iraq with civil methods. Women in Croatia were suffering war discrimination recently. International action and support, which Sweden and Kvinna till Kvinna was a part, helped women in Croatia and in Western Balkan to raise level of their women's rights and equality. Ahead of planning the conference we would like to draw your attention to the fact that women have become targets in the violence with religious and ethnic pretext, which is taking place in Iraq today. Girls cannot attend school because of violence or threats of violence. It has become difficult for women to participate in political activity and in other ways actively participate in the society. "The lawlessness and increasing killings, abductions and rapes have restricted women's freedom of movement and their ability to go to school or to work. Women face discriminatory laws and practices that deny them equal justice or protection form violence in the family and community"(Amnesty International, February 2005) A sustainable peace built on democracy and human rights cannot be created without both women and men being listened to, and without making sure that their rights are respected. Dominoes therefore want to stress the importance of this conference to fully integrate the UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. In concrete terms this means that the conference must: - Place issues about women's security and rights high up on the agenda, - Give space among the speakers to Iraqi organisations working with women's rights- Make sure that there is an equal gender balance among the speakers and the delegations participating, including the Swedish delegation. Dominoes, as an organisation recently supported in area of conflict in Western Balkan, would be prepare to share experience and knowledge with women's organisations in Iraq directly or in cooperation with Kvinna till Kvinna. We would be happy to contribute in finding solution and improving women's position in Iraq. Best regards, Maja Đirlić Managing Coordinator, Dominoes, Women's Association for Promotion of Women's Rights



Anna-Carin Hall

Anna-Carin Hall

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